Here are some pics of my new chicks. Some purchased as straight run and some as pullets


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 30, 2013
I just purchased a variety of new chicks some idk what they are but I know a few.... I've got some RIR, BO, SLW, WL, COCHINS but idk what kind. Some sera a frizzles, polish, naked neck d uccle cross? Any one can guess breed or sex would be great! Thanks!!!!



the black one with the white "bump" on the head is a white crested black polish. Any other chicks with this "bump" on the head and non feathered shanks should also be a polish of some color.
Thanks I call it fro Jo lol. I have more that are a light grayish color with a lighter gray or white on top. Not sure what color those would be. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks
the red brooder light makes it hard to see them -too many chicks facing every way and direction. If you could take single pictures of the ones you most want to identify that would make it easier.

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