Hi all, new member from suffolk county long island NY


6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
Hello everyone, new member, happy to be here. Just getting back into chickens. I used to have a nice sized flock of assorted bantams when I was a young boy. Now 10 years later I'm excited to get back to it as an adult. This time with a smaller flock, but larger birds. Finished building my new coop a week and a half ago, picked up three great ladies (Maran, Easter Egger, and Delaware) from a great woman on Staten Island (thanks Maggie!). Hoping to add three more in the near future. Looking into a Silky, Barred Plymouth Rock, and I haven't decided on the third yet. Very excited. Thanks for reading
Welcome to BYC! I also am just getting back into chickens. I used to have Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks about 10 years or so ago. I miss them and decided to have another go at it this year, with more breeds. Have fun and enjoy your chickens!
Greetings from Kansas, Mtlchef, and
! Happy to have you in our flock! Best wishes you and your fowl!

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