Hi everyone! I'm a newbie pekin duck owner!


May 8, 2015
Rose hill, nc
So I've been following this site for a few weeks now. I was lead here by Google when I was researching information about caring for my beautiful ducky. Just about every Question I've had has brought me here! I've finally decided to join the site. Thank you for all of the great advice, you guys have helped me raise her so well! I never ever thought I could fall in love with a duck, she's the absolute, sweetest little thing in the world. She's cuddling with me now, lol. Thanks again everyone!
Do you know you can find duck threads at "Other Backyard Poultry," forum above. They can probably give you much better information when you have duck questions.

Welcome to Backyard chickens, hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. Your duck sounds like a sweetheart, what's not to love? They're big balls of personalities. :D
Hello Pekin Lovers!

I believe I'm in the right place! I NEED your HELP! Please. We just got our gorgeous baby pekins on November 3rd. Our HOA decided to change the ordinances and making us get rid of our 4 sweet chickens we had for almost 3 years and now our Pekins and our pekins have grown since November to gorgeous ducks. We keep our animals nice and safe and happy. It is very heartbreaking for us and we want to find homes for our Pekins as it is near to impossible for anyone to want ducks. So I thought Pekin people would be my answer. Please help me, we have until January 31 and then will be getting big fines and lein on our home. We live in N. California. Thank you guys!

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