Hi, excited to be here.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
I've been scouring this site for months- it's like Rome, all internet searches lead me back here! I cannot believe the wealth of information. We just got our first birds. 2 Nankins because I couldn't resist how small and adorable they are, 2 Java chicks and 2 Wyandotte chicks. It's been interesting, and fun to make breakfast this morning with our first nankin eggs! I'm having a ball and can't wait to get good at all this.

Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Aww, what cute little eggs, looks like you can make a 12 egg omelet! Good luck with the Nankins and the new chicks!

Welcome to BYC!

And congrats on the first eggs! How EGG-citing! I couldn't wait to eat my first eggs. Just a thrill to get eggs from my birds.

Enjoy your new adventures and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC
Congrats on the first eggs!

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