Hi from a new goose Mama

shady acres flock

8 Years
Jun 10, 2011
Hey Everyone!!

I'm newish goose mama, my baby girls are about ten weeks old. Well, my baby girl. Gertrude's sister was killed earlier this week which prompted me to join the BYC chicken comunity for advice. Thanks everyone for your help and support!!

My DH and I purchased an old farm house last year with four acres, which we dubed "Shady Acres." The current residents of the Shady Acres Community are myself, DH, our beloved dog Gus, and Gertrude my American Buff goose. Tomorrow we will be adding some ducks to keep Gert company, she is not handeling her sisters death well at all

Hopefully next year there will be some more geese and perhaps a goat or two, with all that space how can we not!!

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