Hi from British Columbia


8 Years
Apr 10, 2011

I've visited your site a few times over the years but finally had a question that I hope other "chicken people" may be able to help with, so I decided to take the plunge and join you.

I've only got 3 hens and a rooster right now, all Americaunas (sp - i know!!). Seems raising chickens is genetic in our family, my aunt had "green layers" and all us girls raise them now. I work hard in the corporate world all day so it's so nice to come home and see the gang clucking about in the yard, as lots of you say, somehow it's sooo relaxing! I sell the extra eggs at the office, and everyone loves the colour. The question I get most often - what do you feed them to get that colour??? (next favourite question - "dont the roosters lay eggs???" - Seriously, she asked that!!!!

Beyond the chickens we only have a mixed up Lab old lady, and two "rodent eradication systems" - Manx killing machines!!
And other than spending time on the property, we try to spend as much time as possible on the boat!

Looking forward to visiting occasionally, and i've already learned lots here!!

Thanks for being here....


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