Hi from Michigan


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
Grand Haven, MI
Hi everybody!!! I am new to raising chickens and got four chicks two weeks ago: two Barred Rocks and two Americanas. We are so excited about our new family members and experiencing their different personalities has been fun over the last two weeks. We are a coast guard family who moved to Michigan last summer (I am from KY and my husband is from NJ). It will be different when we have to transfer in a few years with the chickens, but it will be our last move since we will be able to retire. I am hoping to find great advice and learn more about our chickens as they grow up from the more experienced members here.
Hello from another Michigander. Be sure to build your coop and run a little larger than normal because you will end up getting more chickens. That's almost a guarantee.Good luck.

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