Hi from NY!


Aug 15, 2018
Hey everyone!

I am a new chicken/duck/guinea hen owner. My boyfriend and I (he had chickens when he was younger, I had ducks/guinea hens when I was very young) have recently gotten some new friends.

We got our birds from Murray McMurray Hatchery in Iowa, & they were shipped to us in NY. We have 22 guinea hens, 12 jumbo pekins, 12 cayugas, 7 khaki campbells, & 17 black australorp chickens.

We also have 2 cornish rock chickens we got from Tractor Supply (we don't plan to eat them, there was two left & we bought them...even though from my research they won't live very long :(). And I also got another cayuga duck from Tractor Supply. She had an injured leg & I purchased just her. Unfortunately the vet, who I work for, says it must've been broken & it healed totally wrong. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done for it & eventually I will have to make a sad decision, as right now she is walking on her ankle so it is like walking on bone :( So for the time being I will give her a great life for as long as I can since she is not in any pain.

The chickens and guineas are just over a month old, the ducks are just over two weeks old (they grow so fast!!). The two TSC chicks are just over a week old, and the cayuga from TSC is also just over a week old.

I am so excited to watch my flocks continue to grow and can't wait for them to start laying eggs!

Excited to be apart of this forum and learn from everyone else.

BYC Welcome 7.jpg

What a nice mix of birds you have. Thanks for joining us!

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