Jul 6, 2022
I’m new here and new to the chicken world.
I bought 11 pullets 3 months ago and have been watching them grow and I’m anxiously waiting for eggs.
Today we had our first chicken die. Not sure why so I thought I’d post. Yesterday she started acting lethargic so I isolated her from the rest of the group. (The other chickens started pecking her.)
She was acting like she was having trouble breathing and wouldn’t eat or drink.
We found her dead this afternoon.
We decided to autopsy her and discovered her liver had white cyst like things in it. Possibly parasites? Her lungs were bluish in color. I’ve attached pictures if anyone has any ideas.
I’m worried about the rest of my flock (10 other birds). I’m also Worried about eating eggs from sick chickens (when they finally start producing). My other birds seem normal.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
My birds eat only organic feed and do not have any wheat, corn or soy in their diets.
We feed them millet, barley, oats, sunflower and other seeds, and alfalfa. We also feed them vegetable scraps daily.
We have a grub hub and feed them fresh maggots and black fly larva daily.
I also buy meal worms and shrimp for them.


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Hello welcome to BYC . I'm sorry you lost a pullet . I don't have any answers. Its just a suggestion . she may have had a genetic issue and nothing is wrong with your other pullets . There are better informed people on here than me . That will be able to answer your questions
Howdy, :frow Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

It appears to me as 'fatty liver disease'....it isn't fatty liver hemorrhagic disease. Did she have an unusually large amount of abdominal fat?
Could also be spotty liver disease!

Tagging: @casportpony , @Eggcessive

Sorry to hear of your loss! :hugs

Enjoy your time here! :celebrate
Hello, welcome to BYC.
Commercial feed is formulated to offer chickens a complete diet, with appropriate protein, fat, and carbs. Too many meal worms and shrimp can cause fatty liver.
I think you should make an emergency forum post as @Boppo said. There are some very well qualified members who can offer you better advice than we can.
Best of luck to you and your flock.

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