Hi, I'm Teresa and I have chicks..


Apr 30, 2015
So excited to finally have my chicks! So nice to find a site to learn more about them. Been wanting them for years now, but convinced my husband lately that I really need a hobby. I have 5 pullets (I hope) - Austrolorp, Sussex, Orpington, Plymouth Rock and a Naked Neck. Only had them about 10 days. 4 are about 3 weeks old, the Sussex is about a week. Great fun watching their personalities emerge.
Hi :welcome Teresa

Glad you could join the flock! Congratulations on your new chicks :celebrate So pleased you have now been able to start your chicken adventure. Raising chicks is a very rewarding experience, something I enjoy very much and I'm sure you will too. Be sure to ask any questions you may have, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy those new babies of yours and BYC :frow

Glad you joined us.

You have a great selection of breeds, enjoy your flock!
I'm glad you joined our community!

It sounds like you have a nice varied flock! All of those breeds should grow into pretty, productive birds.

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