Hi, new to raising chickens

CPW Chicks

In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 26, 2010
Beaumont, PA
Hi everybody!! My sister and I adopted 12 chickens back in mid-January from a local shelter that had rescued them after they were abandoned. We have never had chickens before but it has been an amazing experience. We have 4 Aussies, 3 EEs, 3 Leghorn and 1 Ameraucana hens and 1 EE Rooster. We converted part of a storage building on our property to their coop and outside run. The chickens love their new home and we love them. The started laying eggs 3 weeks ago, we get brown, white and green eggs.




That's so cool! I was just reading on a knitting board I'm on about a knitting group that works with a chicken rescue group. The knitters make little sweaters for the birds that have had all their feathers rubbed off by the cages so they can stay warm until the feathers grow back. Broke my heart to see those poor birds! Welcome to the forum from another newbie!

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