Hi There Folks

Chix learner

May 5, 2015
As you can tell from my name, I am definitely a" learner", so bear with me as I stumble along. Hope this becomes a great resource ..bye for now!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

We all start off as learners and never stop learning! You've definitely come to the right place to learn about poultry. We are here to help answer questions you may have. And we will also be learning right along side you

Do you have chickens?
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Good morning and welcome to BYC!

Chickens are interesting and there is always something new to learn about them. Having poultry is a fun and rewarding experience. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Nice to have you join us!
welcome! lots of us rookies lurking here! get lots of good info reading the questions and answers.
Thanks to all for setting me on the right path. I lost 3 young birds yesterday( 7weeks old-almost broke my wife's heart ) to a mother dog who lives down the street. I'm convinced I will never rear another bird until I can build a highly protected coop!
I'm still hurt and upset about the incident since dog owners in my lil' part of Fl. just don't care what happens to others property. Sorry to go on...I'll speak more later...thanks for listening!
@Chix learner , I'm so sorry to hear about your birds! If you stay around BYC for a while, you'll see a lot of losses are caused by dogs. And unfortunately, too often the dog's owner won't take responsibility for their animals. That leaves it up to us to keep our chickens as well protected as we can. Take a look over on the coop/run forum of BYC and get some ideas for predator-proofing.

And it's good to be aware of the predators that love to get ahold of our chickens, so take a look at this too:

Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
aren't dogs supposed to be fenced in or leashed at all times? I persomnally think cats should be similarly restricted

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