Hide'n seek!


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
So, I looked into my bantam house and couldn't find my hens! They weren't in the nest box, or in the run! And this isn't a huge area. You'll never guess where I found them......


Where's the weirdest place you ever found your chooks?
Were they wearing dresses at the time? Maybe they were on their way to meet a fair prince!

And yes on the rooster tails, but only one of them can actually do the deed. Poor Ralph is so cross beaked and crooked he can't even line up with out them catching wind and giving him what for!
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That pose is adorable!
I have a Millie Fleur who won't eat the food out of the sides of the feeder. She flies in and sits in the food while she eats.
That's really the only strangeness I've had to deal with....
Since I've moved the Austrolorps, Brahma and Wyandotte out to the coop, they've all decided perching is dumb and they want to sleep in a nest box just like my rooster, Roo Boy! He lost his toes to frostbite, so we encouraged him to sleep there....these girls have no reason...other than they want me to clean the poop out of every box I have instead of just the one. One night they must have thought they were doing me a favor. I couldn't find the 6 week old Brahma or Wyandotte....they were in the same box as the two Austrolorps...I don't know how they slept like that all night happily...but they did.

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