History Report on the Great Depression- Somwhat edited


8 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Chicken Heaven
OK guys, i got rid of the CAPS my CPU Picked up, So here is

My History Report on the Great Depression. It needs A little Editing, And it's Not Complete...Yet.

This is what i have So Far for my History Fair in my Home-School Group.

The Great Depression

The Great Depression was A horrible Time for Americans,
And many people lost their job, homes, And Money.

But I think we should start at the Beginning.

The Roaring 20’s

When World War One Ended, Americans celebrated whenever they could By
Dancing, Throwing Parties, and Going to Movies.

Young women Called “ flappers “ started Wearing Short Dresses with Fur-trimmed
Coats. They bobbed, or cut short, Their hair To fit the latest style.

For the first time, many Americans went to College and got jobs, So they could afford Cars and Radios produced in American factories.

Some people who did not have money bought things on credit and paid for it Later.

Few Americans believed the good times would not last,

And they were right….


The Depression Started on October 29th, 1929- on a Day now called Black Friday.
On that Day, People who had invested in Stock – Or shares of Company’s –
Panicked and started Selling their Shares.

Since every one wanted to Sell at the same time, the price of Stocks
Went down like crazy – or crashed.

When the Crash happened, Banks every where Closed unexpectedly, Taking Americans Life Savings with them.

One family had $1,200 dollars in it- enough to Pay out the Entire crop for that Year-
And only got $5 Dollars to Keep with them.

Even people who had not invested were affected when Stores closed and jobs were lost.
The ‘ Crash “ However, did not cause the Great Depression, But it was one of the Main factors.

Blaming Hoover

Americans were Used to Hard Times, But this Hard time was Different.

People had to make Due without enough- Not Enough Food, work, Clothes- And most of all- Money.

People were making money by Selling Apples, Used Clothing and Furniture.

Most people Blamed our President- Herbert Hoover.

People called many things with the nickname of Hoover:

A Hoover Flag- empty Pocket

Hoovers- Cheap Dresses for Women

Hoover Hogs- Wild Groundhogs people ate to not Starve

Hoover blanket- Layered News Paper to cover up with

Hoover mattress- Layered News Paper to Sleep on

And One person even wrote a Song Called “ Hooversville “
About Shacks made of cardboard and kids Eating Trash!

As you might think, Hoover was a Disliked President


Many Americans Lost Their Jobs and homes in the Great Depression,
They were Called Hobos, Tramps and bums.
They were thought of as robbers and dirty.
But now days we know more about hobos

When the Market Crashed, Thousands Of people went homeless,
And started to wander around the country.

They would travel in the craziest of ways, like riding on Trains- illegally.

Hobos would jump onto trains when they were moving and leaving the Station.

Sometimes they would ride in Animal Cars, with Cows and Pigs,

Sometimes on the top of the train, and even on the bottom railings!

They had a Code for Houses, they would normally put them on Fences and mailboxes.

They were:

* I WILL have a mailbox with the code and meanings on them, under the Paragraph *

Help Me edit things if you notice Some thing Wrong,

...Yankee ....
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A very good job!
I hope you dont mind me editing some. I will make my edits bold. Also you have alot of words in senteces that are caps which dont need to and you should have info on the dust bowl also since that was a factor in the depression. Hope this helps you out.
My History Report on the Great Depression. It needs A little Editing, And it's Not Complete...Yet.

This is what i have So Far for my History Fair in my Home-School Group.

The Great Depression

The Great Depression Was A terrible Time for Americans,
in which many people lost their job, homes, And Money.

But I think We Should start at the Beginning.

The Roaring 20’s

When World War One Ended, Americans Celebrated whenever they Could By
Dancing, Throwing Parties, and Going to Movies.

Young women Called “ flappers “ Started Wearing Short Dresses with Fur-trimmed
Coats. Many women cut their hair to fit the style. The most common cut was known as "the bob".

For the First Time, Many Americans went to Collage and got jobs, So they Could Afford luxury items, many of which were Produced in American Factories.

Some people who did not have money bought things On Credit And paid for it Later.

Few Americans Believed the Good Times would not Last,

And they were right….


The Depression Started On October 29th, 1929- on a Day Now called Black Friday.
On that Day, People who had Invested in Stock – Or shares of Company’s –
Panicked and Started Selling their Shares.

Since everyone wanted to Sell at the same time, the price of Stocks
Went down like Crazy – or crashed.

When the Crash happened, Banks every where Closed unexpectedly, Taking Americans Life Savings with them.

One family had $1,200 dollars in it- enough to Pay out the Entire crop for that Year-
And only got $5 Dollars To Keep with them. (you need to quote this)

Even people who had not Invested were affected when Stores closed and jobs were lost.
The ‘ Crash “ However, did not cause the Great Depression, But it was one of the Main factors.

Blaming Hoover

Americans were Used to Hard Times, But this Hard time was Different.

People had to make Due without enough- Not Enough Food, work, Cloths- And most of all Money.

People Were making money by Selling Apples, Used Clothing And Furniture.

Most people Blamed our President- Herbert Hoover for these hard times.

People Called Many things By the name Of Hoover:

A Hoover Flag- empty Pocket

Hoovers- Cheap Dresses for Women

Hoover Hogs- Wild Groundhogs people ate to not Starve

Hoover blanket- Layered News Paper to cover up with

Hoover mattress- Layered News Paper to Sleep on

And One person even wrote a Song Called “ Hooversville “
About Shacks made of Card Bored and kids Eating Trash!

As You might think, Hoover was a Disliked President


Many Americans Lost Their Jobs and homes in the Great Depression,
They were Called Hobos, Tramps and bums.
Now Days They are Hobos,

Making An Impression, In the Depression.

When the Market Crashed, Thousands Of people went Home less,
And started to wander around the country.

They would travel in the craziest of ways, like riding on Trains- illegally.

Hobos would jump onto trains when they were leaving the Station.

Sometimes they would ride in Animal Cars, with Cows and Pigs,

Sometimes on the top of the train, and even on the Bottom Railings!

They had a Code for Houses, they would normally put them on Fences and mailboxes.

They were:

* I WILL have a mail box with the code and meanings on them, under the Paragraph *

Help Me edit things if you notice Some thing Wrong,

...Yankee ....

*eta do you need to cite your work or not?​
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The Great Depression was so complicated that I wouldn't know where to start. So much has been written about it, though, that you shouldn't have any trouble finding information. It is a fascinating period in history. Good luck.
I have to ask what grade level.

I am not trying to sound harsh but criticism on a forum will always sound that way. Your capitalization, punctuation, and grammar need work. Such as why are most words capitalized?
I do tend to be a spelling, grammar, and punctuation Nazi and I do have a folder of rejection letters so I can take criticism as well as I can dish it out.

People had to make Due without enough- Not Enough Food, work, Cloths- And most of all Money.

Should be
People had to make do without enough. Not enough food, work, cloths and most of all money.
clothes not cloths

college not collage

homeless not home less

I don't know what format this is supposed to be, but the random capitalization is annoying.

I think a little research into the why of the stock market crash might be effective. One of the other contributing factors was the Dust Bowl....lots of interesting material out there.
there is a book called the worst hard time ever. it is about the dust bowl. it was great, I highly recommend you read it. for example I did not know that the dust storms would short out the electrical systems in planes causing them to crash.
mom'sfolly :

clothes not cloths

college not collage

homeless not home less

I don't know what format this is supposed to be, but the random capitalization is annoying.

I think a little research into the why of the stock market crash might be effective. One of the other contributing factors was the Dust Bowl....lots of interesting material out there.

Sorry About the random CAPS. Thats Just how I type. And to every one: i WILL have Info on the Dust Bowl, Later on. I have to work on the rest of it now....​

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