hmm... 24 by 24 pen?


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
i have 4 goats and about 13 chickens i was wondering if an almost 24 by 24 pen big enough for that many animals...? if not i was going to make something extra for the chickens so that way the coats and chickens can get away from each other. thanks!
What type of goats do you have? I have 2 Nigerian Dwarfs in my 630 sq. foot run with my chickens and it works just great. But, I wouldn't put two large breed goats in there as it would be too tight/crowded, in my opinion.
my goats are, american pygmy goats, and african pygmy goats. my goats and chickens have ben in that pen together sence day 1 but i wanted to make sure i wasnt pushing it.
Good, I think with pygmies you should be fine. Just keep an eye out for issues that you could attribute to overcrowding.

We'd love to see pictures!
Overcrowding or stress brought on by overcrowding would be feather pecking by the chickens to each other. If the goats are stressed you may notice them not eating well, looking thin, signs of illness like coughing, etc.

We like pictures of everything!! We'd love to see your animals and your run if you want to share.

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