Holderread's Chocolate Runners?


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
So, I'd really like to get at least a couple chocolate runner ducks (female) when I start getting ducks in a couple of months. Unfortunately Holderread's, whom I'd planned on buying from, phased them out a couple of years ago- I just found out via email. Does anyone know of anywhere (including people from this board, if that's ok to ask) that has kept and bred their Holderread's chocolate runners and would have some second (or third!) generation day-olds for sale?
If not Holderread's, then somewhere else with the really nice upright looking ones.
Also, where are your runners coming from? I am aware that you buy from other breeders and ship birds from other hatcheries, so could you please tell us where your chocolate runners are from?
I ordered my chocolate runners from meitzer hatchery and they are ok not the perfect upright position but more upright than some I have seen and they do not slump over at all , now my blue's that's a different story I don't know why but my choc and my black runners are both upright more than the blue's are and they all came from the same meitzer hatchery.
Can you post some pictures?

Seconding this, though maybe instead of posting here, you should post some on your site- maybe you could start asking that if your customers are satisfied, they send you update pics of the grown birds? I'll bet a lot of proud backyard-farmers would love to show off their lovely birds. Then potential customers know what they're getting!
Just wanted to post my meitzer hatchery runners
The best quality runners I have seen are from Golden Egg Farm. Not entirely sure whether she raises chocolates or not though. You can find them at

www.goldeneggfarm.com or frequently on Eggbid.

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