JoJo 95

10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
I plan on starting my own small hatchery/egg and meat company. I want to breed my own meat hybrid that has these characteristics:
fast growing
clean yellow or white skin
easy to raise
naturally reproductive
lays a good number of eggs(at least 3 a week per bird)
Anyone knows what breeds I could use and what pattern to breed in? Some breeds I was considering are:
Dark Cornish
White Giants
White Wyandotte
White Rocks
Anyone who can add own breeds or tell me how to do this, please do.
UMMMMMM there's this HUGE meat bird forum here... you might want to wander that way and READ it all.

Go to index, and pick.... Meat birds.....
Im asking a genetics question. I already looked. I cant find any in the meat forum.
You might want to read through this thread. This seems to be a topic that comes up from time to time without any real clear answer.

From what digging around I have done, my conclusion is that someone who wants to make this happen is going to have to undertake a selective breeding program for a few generation before they have something approaching what they hope for in a sustainable type meat bird.

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