Homemade Incubator Thread: Hatches and Bator Pics


5 Years
Sep 4, 2014
I LOVE homemade incubators!!!! This will be the thread to post pictures of incubators and to post pictures of successful hatches!!
I will try to get some pictures of mine!

Here is a picture of mine from a few years ago. I have modified it a little since then but it works great. My 2 youngest watching the first eggs hatch.
That looks like a sweet incubator. You should try and use it!
I built my Incubator and hatcher. They work Real Good. After unfertile eggs are removed, the hatcher hatches close 100%. In a little over 2 months I have hatched 500+ chicks.

Here are a few pictures of mine. It is our first homemade. We can fit 12 regular sized eggs, a few more with bantams.

Front window

toilet paper roll cut to lay eggs on to stop them from rollign around if incubator is bumped (have 3 dogs)

Light on lid instead of the sides, I get more even temperatures through the incubator.

Top lid, viewing window, hole for thermostat sensor, dimmer switch, and extension cord I used to plug in the light socket.

Our littler thermostat we use. When set at 104 we get perfect temps. on at 100 off at 101

wire mesh floor with paper towels over it for something soft for the chicks feet when hatching. I have a lid of egg carton below to fill with water for humidity.

Our lone survivor from last hatch, before we had a 60watt light and no thermostat. This time we use a 25 watt/


Lucky is the result of a Speckled Sussex rooster over a Red Sex Link hen.
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