Homeschool families?


10 Years
Nov 16, 2009
Midland, TX
I am still pretty new here but noticed reading through posts there seems to be quite a few home school families here.

Do you homeschool?

This is our 2nd year at it and we love it! Raising chicks/chickens is part of our curriculum. I have a 1st grader and a Kinder.
3rd year! 7th grader and 12th grader
I've done it for a couple of years, but our foster kids are required to go to public or private schools
Been doing it about ten years also. We are using Keystone next year. That is an on line, secular company. Up until this point, I was my children's main teacher but now I feel that I would like a little bit of a break. Has anyone used Keystone before? It is accredited.
I don't know if they're accredited or not. I don't have to teach mine a whole lot with the ACE curriculum. It is self-teaching and helps them become critical thinkers. We like it. I do house/yard work while they do schoolwork at the kitchen table. If they need me to come explain something in more detail so that they can understand it they just call out the back door to me if I am outside or I stop what I am doing and help if I am inside. We only had trouble with Geometry last year. My oldest got stuck and I couldn't wrap my brain around something I had studied 15 years was a bit of a Everything else I have been able to handle. We called and were directed to a professor for the Geometry questions. We go through Lighthouse Christian Academy, so we have advisors and teachers who are accessible every day by phone or e-mail.

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