Honking chicken?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 28, 2013
One of my wellsummers has been making honk like noises and her eyes are watery. She has had a funky voice for about a year and a half, and since a couple of months ago she make raspy noises, the honk sound and watery eyes are new, she is only three years old. I was wondering what it could be... An alergy... She is breathing okay and is acting her normal self. Also could this be something my other chickens could get?
Thanks- Chloe
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She might have something stuck in her throat. By honking and stuff she could be trying to get it out like we cough and choke.
Strange that yours is honking...I have an almost 2yr old buff ORP that has just started the same thing. She's not laying and just seems slightly 'off' lately. ...she just has this low honk and hasn't been clucking much! I wonder if they DO get allergies when the pollen is high?! The vet determined that she's fine... So, we wait to see when her voice comes back.
One of my wellsummers has been making honk like noises and her eyes are watery. She has had a funky voice for about a year and a half, and since a couple of months ago she make raspy noises, the honk sound and watery eyes are new, she is only three years old. I was wondering what it could be... An alergy... She is breathing okay and is acting her normal self. Also could this be something my other chickens could get?
Thanks- Chloe

Basically every creature that have an immune system that produce Immunoglobulins (antibodies) can develop allergies. Allergy is basically over reaction of the immune system against an Antigen, response that produce high number of IgE, a type of antibodies that cause a secretion of Histamine from the Must cells and this Histamine cause all the allergic symptoms.
My chicken hasn't layed an egg in a long time, she only layed eggs for about a year then just stopped and hasn't layed since. She also has been making a quiet raspy sound since last month. My other two chickens sound ok... If it is an alergy it is something that is around all year long.
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I am totally confused about the honking. BTW, I just joined. I'm new to chickens and have 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Rhode Island Reds. The first honker is my runt who seems always to run away first, to get to bed last, to be stuck somewhere. She's the Barred Rock. Two days ago she started scratching at her ear; and now one of my Rhode Islands is honking. Maybe it is pollen which is bad now in Michigan. Hope that's all as I fostered another 3 hens for a friend and don't want to lose mine. One of the three she got is also honking.
Last time I was on, I talked about all my young chickens honking. It began with one and progressed to all four. Well, the honking has ceased, and I think it was an adolescent thing. I am amazed at the many varied calls hens have. My girls haven't started "clucking," but I think that's part of real maturity. The neighbor has hens who do the clucking thing that's associated with hens in movies. They are slightly bigger hens than mine and have started laying eggs. I can tell when one has laid because I hear an "announcement" call--lots of clucking. Then there's a kind of purring sound which my hens make when they seem particularly happy about something they've discovered. My hens are 16 weeks old. I can't wait for the first egg. No doubt, I will start clucking myself.

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