Hoping this is sufficient!

StarTan VA

In the Brooder
May 18, 2015
I have 8 birds about three weeks old now. The plan was originally for 6 max. The coop in my opinion was going to be good for 6 birds who will have the run to be in whenever they choose bc it will all be sealed tight. EXTRA TIGHT bc of the bears we have in our driveway! I'm hoping the coop will be big enough for the birds who will also have roost bars in run if they choose. The run is 12-12 and the coop is 4x5.5


Personally, I think it is fine. There are many on here who have much more experience than me and they recommend much more space (coop should be 4sq ft per bird, etc.). If your chickens are happy and you are happy, then that is all that matters. Plus, that is a humongous run ... that is always a good thing.
The coop looks very nice. I like how the ramp has an exterior corridor.
Welcome! Your coop is pretty small for eight birds; can you do a solid roof over all or part of your run? Maybe you have bantams only? Then it probably will work out. We don't have bears here (yet!) but I understand that electric fencing is the only way to keep them out. Your coop is really cute! Mary
They do like to huddle together and if they are only in there to sleep may be ok. Also depends on the breed if you try to fit big orpingtons in there you may have some issues but smaller breeds should be good.
I have 2 EE 2 RIR 2 barred rock and 2 australorp. The run will be half covered and they will have free run of it bc I will keep coop open most the time. It's tall in the coop so I think they will be comfortable with good positioned roosting bars and staggered to accommodate them.

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