Hotspot/ Bump


6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
My hen has a hotspot on her face by her beak. This has happebed before to another hen and it was a bad infection. I just popped it I open and cleaned it out. However, when I tried the same thing with this hen it just mostly bleed. I could see some infection was trying to come out of her nose. Her mouth is clear. Could it be a sinus infection? If not what? I ckeaned her up with peroxide and have started using vectericyn. Also I give her pear cactus for a week on a week or so off so her bodt won't get used to it.
My question:what do you think it is and what should I do?
I would if she were mine start her on a general anti infective such as gallimycine water soluble if she's drinking as she should be.I'd do this for the infection she has going on.if she's not drinking as much I might use LA200 injectable at 1/2 cc once a day in her breast. but if she's drinking try the water soluble and see if it clears up the issue. that's what I'd do along with continued treatment topically like your doing. see if this cures the issue.I hope this helps. best wishes to you.
Will the gallimycine hurt her eggs? Should I through out her eggs while she is on this anti infection med

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