House Hen


12 Years
Oct 1, 2007
Medina, OH
Any suggestions on how to go about having a house hen? One problem I would think is the poop. How do you keep her from pooping all over the house?
Heres a solution to that.........

YES they are for real
Lots of parrots wear diapers in the house, too. It's pretty much the same design, only they call them flight suits. Sounds sportier and you don't get so much flack from non-parrot owners. They need a more socially acceptable name for chicken diapers!

My parrot is potty trained. I've only heard of a couple of chickens that were house or litter trained. I keep thinking if those two could do it and parrots can do it, maybe other chickens could, too. The common wisdom is that chickens can't be potty trained, but I'm keeping an open mind on the subject.
I couldn't get Priscilla housebroken and she lived in the house for nearly 2 years. She re-joined the flock after we got a puppy and she got tired of his antics. Priscilla will probably want to come inside when the weather turns cold for good and her left leg starts aching. She and my older dog used to share a dog bed for daytime naps.

My parents' neighbors have 2 housebroken parrots, the pride and joy of their lives. They didn't use the flight suits....I've seen those, aren't they nice?

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