Housing chickens and rabbits together?


11 Years
May 28, 2008
I've heard not to do this but do they have to be apart a certain distance so diseases can't transfer. I just got a bunny and wanted to put her outside but not sure what to do. My chickens are free range.


I've thought of a space I can block out for the rabbit with cage, the chickens wouldn't be able to get in but they will be around, would that work?

I know of some that keep chickens and rabbits together, any ideas?
as long as the cage is covered and the chickens can not roost on the cage and get droppings down inside it should be safe. free ranging chickens rarely will bother the rabbit.
trouble usually starts when they are cooped together overnight.
Some people do fine by housing them together,but I;ve heard to many horror stories (rabbits chewing on chickens feet,ect) to try it. I would go with what gypsy2621 said.
eww...that would be bad...I have heard that the chickens could peck them really bad. I can't even imagine having that happen to my babies.
Thanks I was wondering the same thing.

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