How big of a hole in the coop do you need for a coon to get in?


9 Years
Sep 20, 2010
It will be my babies first night in the coop but it looks like my husband may not be able to finish blocking the rafters. If he doesn't finish, I plan on putting them inside a dog crate inside the coop. How big of a hole does a raccoon need to get into the coop? I know it would just swipe at all of them through the dog crate so I want to make sure...
My understanding is that even if head won't fit, usually the hand will -- reaching in to pull out whatever part they can grab. Take care that the crate isn't too close to the rafters.
The have extremely agile arms and paws. They WILL reach through any hole that can get their paw through and pull OUT whatever they can grab out!

I would not give them a one inch square. A young one even less.

I would keep them in the house for one night until able to get the coop done.
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Not sure. What I do know is that I used 2x4 welded wire on my run (HW cloth around the bottom 24 inches to prevent chicken level reach-ins), and I haven't had any raccoon get in (and we have seen raccoons around here). I'd be afraid of any opening larger than that in your rafters.
As for the dog crate, If you're talking one of those big plastic kind, be sure to put HW cloth or something over any gratings on the door or otherwise. If a raccoon can reach in to grab, it can pull a chicken's head through to kill it.

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