How can I coax my sick silkie to eat/ drink?!


6 Years
Dec 19, 2013
I had all of my girls holed up in the coop for a week so that the new additions to the flock learn where home is and stop roosting in the snow. It's not ideal, but it's better than my babies freezing to death. Anyway, I noticed one of our adolescent silkies lying still in the corner and I thought she was dead. She wasn't moving, wouldn't open her eyes, she was only breathing. I quickly brought her in the house and tried to make her comfortable. I checked her vent and it was really matted up with poop, which is why I think she was sick in the first place.
Since then there has been improvement. She has been pooping alittle, but I have yet to notice her drink water. She also refuses to eat. I made her scrambled eggs but her only interest in them was to stand on them. She's perked up but not much, and she is terribly skinny. Does anybody have any advice on how to coax her to eat and drink?

Oh yeah, and so far I haven't noticed anything wrong with anyone else in the flock.
Try yogurt, flavored or plain. Chickens usually love it, and it may help with any intestinal stuff she's got going on. If she won't eat that try apple cider vinegar -- not many calories, but it may help her beat whatever she's fighting.
If you brought in new chickens she may be suffering with coccidia. You need to check every single chicken in your flock. And I would get some Corid and start treating the whole flock. If you have to, start dripping the medicated water in the sick hen's beak a few drops at a time.
Welcome to BYC. If there is coccidia in your soil from previous outbreak, the juveniles and especially new chicks are very susceptible to cocci until they are completely immune between 11 and 20 weeks. Even new adult chickens brought in can get it if they are not immune to your particular strain (there are (9.) Did your silkie have a Mareks vaccine? Is her crop empty, especially in the morning, or is it full and squishy or hard? Worms and cocci can severely damage the intestines of young chickens. Eggs in any form--raw, scrambled, or boiled will be eaten by most chickens readily unless they are very sick.
The egg yolk worked like magic!! She loved it!!! I will try yogurt and a-c-vinegar next time I feed her and let you know how it goes. Thank you SO MUCH!
She's six months old. Her crop IS empty, she's terrifyingly skinny everywhere. Today is the first I've been able to get her to eat since Monday. Her vent was pasted completely shut with poop when I found her, and to be quite honest, I don't know how long she's been clogged. I'm pretty sure that that is why she is so sickly.
I've had good results with the following.

Take your normal feed and add enough warm water to soften into a mash. Allow to cool to just warm. (They prefer that to cold and this also gets extra liquid in)

Over the mash I sprinkle some bird seed and scrambled egg. The bird seed because its irresistible and gets them started and the scrambled egg as also yummy and extra protien.

I've also purchased cage bird vitamin powder from the pet shop and added to their water or into their feed as per the instructions.

Oh a d when worried about not enough drinking I've given watermelon as well since its so high in liquid and more likely to be eaten since its sweet.

If she is possibly dehydrated from not drinking that long pop her on your knee and take an eye dropper or even just the tip of your finger and put drips of water on the tip of her beak. She will let some drip off but most she will automatically swallow as they sit at the tip of her beak. Its sort of a reflex.

Good luck!!
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