How can I get mama to take her chicks into the coop?


6 Years
Aug 29, 2013
San Diego
I received an order of four chicks from Meyer Hatchery a few days after my Wyandotte went broody. I put the chicks underneath her and she's been raising them like a champ for the last 2 weeks! About five days ago I let the family back in with my other 4 hens and everyone has been getting along great. The only issue I'm having is that the chicks don't go into the coop at night like everyone else. I don't know if it's that mom can't get the chicks to follow her up the ramp or what, but every evening I see her sitting in the corner of their run with the chicks underneath her and I have to pick up the family and move them into the coop. After I move them she settles on the floor of the coop and the chicks climb back under her wings. In the morning when I open the coop door they all climb down the ramp just fine. Any tips on getting them to move into the coop on their own?
How high is your ramp? I had this issue the last time I had a broody raise them. I ended up removing the ramp which wasn't that tall, and made little stairs instead with bricks. They seemed to figure that out better. When they got bigger, I went back to the ramp because the steps interfered with my door.

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