How do breeders keep track of thier flock?


8 Years
Aug 15, 2011
Fort Worth, TX
I was wondering today about how breeders keep track of thir flock for chick production. For instance, If a Rhode Island Red rooster is bred with a Delaware Hen, the chicks would be Gold Sexlinks (at least this is my understanding). But let's say the breeder has four or five roosters of various breeds as well as fourty or so hens of various breeds. How do breeders keep track then? I hope this makes sense.
separate the runs keeping certain birds in each?
All my roosters are in one huge pen (with the exception of a few breeds) and all my hens share a huge pasture together.

Breeding is done manually in a separate breeding pen, so I know first-hand who breeds who and when.

Egg collection is done more than twice a day, so I know who laid what.
Each breed has their own coop and run. If you let them out, only one breed at a time unless you are done hatching for the season.
First of all, by separating by breed at the very least- then I personally keep a hard copy (ledger) of breedings, eggs are dated and numbered etc. . And if a rooster or hen gets into the wrong pen (some chickens are part Houdini lol) that also is recorded and they are separated from their breed pen until they are clear to breed again- but that's just how I keep up with things:)
For those who keep track of their birds using a ledger, what kind of info do you keep in the ledger? I assume the obvious - hatch date, gender, ID and color - but what else? If anyone has a copy of their ledger that works for them, would you mind posting a picture of it or sending me one? I am hatching some Silkies in a couple weeks and am going to start breeding them, but would like to keep track of the birds starting at hatch to note how they develop, etc. to figure out who to cull. Thanks in advance!

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