How do I clean her


That looks like lice in the photos (no need to worry, fowl lice don't spread to humans). We've had several lice scenarios and what we do is first put baby oil on the lice's egg balls, wait a bit and then pull them off. Then we put aloe vera oil on the sensitive skin a couple times for the next few days. If you want, you could bathe your hen in warm water and wash her with puppy and kitten flea and tick shampoo (don't use dog and cat, it may be too strong). This will keep her lice-free for a good while. Hope she gets better!

HS Pye
Would that explain why she is sick..thought it was droppings..will do baby oil..thanks for the tip :) Might do bath too..have a spraying thing on bathroom sink..poor gal stuck in shower stall :(
You might want to use towels for bedding, 'cause the tile in your shower will suck all of the heat out of her. I don't bathe my sick chickens, it's way too stressful on them, just get some poultry dust and dust her, then keep her as warm as possible - I keep my sick bay at 80-85 degrees.


Yes, that could be why she isn't feeling well. Yes, I think those oils would be fine, just something to loosen eggs from the feathers. Here is a photo of lice egg sacs (just to reaffirm).

HS Pye
You can also treat with sevins dust and again in 7 to 10 days. All your birds will need treating as well as completely cleaning your coop and treating. Also treat for worms with Safeguard. Lice you can see, do you see the bugs? Is that blood on the right in the picture?
She hasn't pooped yet..will post as soon as she does. Will put towels now..see I did not know how to situate her inside. I found her in outside pen on her back with head buried in the deep bedding..I thought she was dead :( she must have fell over..been wobbly since morning..Thank you for all help :)

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