I had some of my chickens killed the other night. My older 1 1/2 yr old chickens were unharmed but they're laying half of what they used to. The ones I'm more concerned about are about 20 weeks old. I had 8 but only have 2 left. They refuse to leave the coop and are hiding on the roost huddled together or laying on the floor in the corner. They've been doing this for 3 days now. They have been integrated with the bigger ones for weeks now but they all still don't get along very well and now that they don't have the numbers on their side I'm worried about them. Should I get some other pullets around same age to replace the ones I lost or will it be even more shocking for them?
They were getting close to age of laying and I really wanted to see eggs this summer, so I need to replace the ones I lost soon. But want to know the easiest less stressful route to go. Get pullets the same size, start with day old chicks again, and do I need to wait a few weeks or ok to do it right away? Thanks in advance!
They were getting close to age of laying and I really wanted to see eggs this summer, so I need to replace the ones I lost soon. But want to know the easiest less stressful route to go. Get pullets the same size, start with day old chicks again, and do I need to wait a few weeks or ok to do it right away? Thanks in advance!