How do I train my chickens to eat mice?


Jan 24, 2015
As far as I can tell there are no mice in the coop/run area, every once in a while I catch one in the house and when I try to feed it to the girls they just ignore it. I've used the opening it up to expose the yummy soft parts technique but that doesn't seem to get them interested.

Maybe I have to invest in some live traps so their treat is moving around..... Any ideas?
Can try covering the corpse with some scratch grains.
Live trapping can work if they know to go after it...they may not and mice can run pretty fast if there's not a savvy bird to stop it before it gets away.
Tho it only takes one bird to start the pursuit and the rest will follow.
Just curious... Why would you even want them to eat mice???x

Free high quality protein.

I tried sprinkling just the dry feed I had on hand... maybe I'll try with the scratch. Might just have to set up a live trap and try that too.
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