how do you take care of chicks


Mar 31, 2015
hey I'm new i was Wondering how do you take care of baby chicks
Hi &
, Lots of great info in The Learning Center for taking care of chicks. Cornish X chicks get all the food they want for the first two weeks then most people start limiting food to 12 hours per day. They grow really fast so they out grow brooders quickly and many people will put them in a tractor type coop that can be moved every day or so.



Last year I used this tractor set up. We really like how easy it was to move. I did not restrict their feed as some do. I like my weights better at 8 weeks when I do not restrict. However they did run out at night several times but overall weights were great. I brooded them outside with a heat lamp in the tractor for the first 10 days. Then it was warm enough it was not needed. I usually do 25 a year but have done 50 a couple of times. I also like doing them in small batches 5-10 at a time.

Wish ya the best.
Hello :)
You need to keep baby chicks in the brooder until they are fully feathered. I use a large plastic tote and a heat lamp for just a few! Make sure they can get away from the heat lamp but it's not too far away at the same time.
Make sure they have fresh food and water, and that they are away from other pets. Cats, dogs, ferrets, etc. love chicks, for a different reason than you do.
If you're feeding them anything other than chick feed, they will need chick grit. I just use sand from the stream in my yard, but not everyone has sand so readily so you may have to buy some chick grit.
Then it's best (once they are feathered) to move them to a pen (separate from any adults). I have a small 3x7 cage for them to spend their few months until their ready for the flock!
The learning center is a great place to find information and tips on raising your flock :)

Good luck :)

*I just realized this was in meat birds, silly me xD
Like chick charm stated, most people remove food for 12 hours because Cornish X grow very fast. My knowledge on them is limited but I would love to get some soon to try
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