How do you tame wild birds?


7 Years
Jul 9, 2016
Russell, Kansas
So, I'm sad to say I had to give up my 3 roosters to a farm outside of town due to town ordinance. They were large and friendly and would run right up to me for scratches on the belly and wormy treats.

I traded for 3 hens that are absolutely wild and terrified of people.

How do I tame them?
Spend lots of time in their presence, talk in a gentle tone and feed them treats. Repetition will help. Some birds are flighty, and this may not change, buts always worth a try.
What breed?
It will take time to adjust to new location and new humans. Be patient. But remember all chickens aren't " lap birds ".
I thought they were all Black Stars (Black Sex Link) chickens and I think that two of them are. However, one of them has an odd looking comb on the top (strawberry?). The odd looking comb chicken is the shyest of the bunch.

I've been withholding food except when I come out there with a dish to feed them several times a day. The two sex links are coming within 2 feet of me to eat their food.

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