How do you treat bumble foot?


15 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Portland TN
I've got a hen that has started hobbling just this morning. Upon inspection she has bumble foot. How do I treat this? I know it is staph, and usually caused by injuring her foot somehow. I've read that BluKote is good to spray on it, but should the spot be excised,etc?
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Yes just use a cutter or razor blade and cut it open and clean all the yellow junk out. Then rinse it and put some neosporin in it. I'd place a cotton ball on it then wrap it with gauze. Check it in a few days and repeat if needed. I only had to do it once and a week later it was healed up nice. Use gloves when doing this also.
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I agree...terramycin not effective for staph infection.
check vet for proper antibiotic.
(possibly Baytril, Cipro,or penicillin derivative)
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