how high can silkie jump?


11 Years
Nov 25, 2009
I am about to start breeding silkies and will have to start dividing my coop. How high should I make the dividers? I hope its low enough where I can jump/walk over. My mom babysits and has these little kid dividers so the kids dont go down the stairs that are about 2 1/2 feet high and I can easily walk over that.
Most silkies can be confined by a 2' barricade. But here is always one...I used to have a silkie roo whose roost of choice was atop a 4' tall loosely strung wire fence. Now silkies shouldn't be able to jump or "fly" that high, and supposedly chickens of all sizes and feather types can be contained by a loosely strung wire fence. My flock never learned that "rule," and Stormy never learned that he was not supposed to be able to hop up that high. No, he had no ladder or other help. Straight up frm the ground, sway wildly for a couple of minutes, then he was set for the night.
I have one that can flap/jump to four feet. Have had another that could do the same thing. Got rid of one and still have the other but he's getting long in the tooth and doesn't do it any more.
My silkies can jump over a five and a half foot wooden fence, I guess that's predty rare. I came to the barn this morning and 3 of them were gone! I had them in a horse stall for the winter. Be careful! I don't want this to happen to you! (I know they jumped, one happened to the second we got there, the others were gone)

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