how is the breed Araucanna?


In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Griswold Connedicut

how is the breed araucanna?
please let me know because i have a chick

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Where did you get your bird from? I ask because the Araucana breed is relatively rare and is frequently misrepresented with chicks of mixed breeding being passed off as the real deal
I got Belle from Flemings feed and hardware in Preston Connecticut

Your bird is not an Araucana - - - - - many hatcheries (from which hardware stores, farm stores, etc get their chicks) list Araucanas in their catalogs, but the birds they are actually selling are Easter Eggers. Araucanas are a pure (and rare) breed. Easter Eggers are mixed breed birds that are derived from the crossing of a blue egg laying breed, of which Araucana are one, and another breed (white or brown laying). The resulting chicks are loosely referred to as "Easter Eggers" because they have the potential to lay colorful eggs.
Being a mixed breed, Easter Eggers don't really have a set of characteristics that would be attributed to them in general like a pure breed bird might.

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