How Long After a Rooster Leaves the Flock...


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
Will hens lay fertile eggs? I can't remember.

Earlier this week my rooster disappeared. Personally I think he was stolen. He was a beautiful double tufted white araucana, and was wonderful with the ladies and with us people and the dog. I would love to hatch his eggs, if I can, and my breeder has offered the use of her incubator. I'm just trying to figure out how long afterwards my aracana pullet will be laying fertilized eggs.

Thanks y'all.

Guess I'm gonna start on the incubation train for the first time ever!!
that's terrible! I can't imagine anyone in my neighborhood would steal my rooster haha. You must have some serious chicken people in your area. I bought a wyze camera on amazon to keep an eye on my chickens for $25 and I love it. You might want to look into it if you think you may continue to have problems. You can check just one of her eggs now to see if it's fertile if you are unsure. If it is, you should be able to collect for up to a month.

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