How long do u keep a heat lamp on a silkie chick a day ?


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2020
Also how do u change the temperature down every wk ? This is my set up I am getting her 2 sex link chicks to be with tmrw

It reads 95 in her tank
You need to keep the temp constant, day and night. Lower it 5 degrees every week by raising the lamp, or putting a dimmer switch on it somehow. Also, set the lamp over one end of the brooder so they can move to a cooler spot if they choose.
Heat stays on. The brooder should be big enough where you have the heat source on one end and the chicks will go to the other end if they get too hot.

week 1, 95 degrees
week 2, 90 degrees
week 3, 85 degrees
week 4, 80 degrees
week 5, 75 degrees

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