How long do we all spend....


9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Portland, OR
Following our chickens around with the camera to get these "perfect" shots? I know I spend HOURS. Crawling on my hands and knees around the yard, poking the camera in front of their faces, waiting, waiting, waiting for them to stop moving and look in the lens.... it takes SO LONG to get ONE good photo sometimes.
And how bout those group shots? Who are we a bunch of nuts?
The "stinkeye" thread is what got me thinking about it. I took a video once of one of my broody silkie getting kicked off the nest by someone bigger who wanted that box to lay. She was screaming her head off about the injustive of it all, and in between shrieks, she would take a drink or a bit to eat, and gargle it while she screamed some more.

Nobody cared. They just looked at her and kept dust bathing. It was hysterical.
I got a new camera "for the DH" for his birthday. Guess how many picture HE'S taken and how many are of the chickens. Guess I got MYSELF a new camera for HIS birthday. Ha!

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