How long does a hen stay broody?

Jim Pryce

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
It's been a week since, she has been broody. I have been taking the eggs from her daily, & she's been sitting on nothing but a golf ball.
They don't lay when they are broody, in my experience. Maybe she is stealing eggs from another nest. Yes they CARRY eggs from another place.

I have had one Buff Orpington set for several weeks on fake eggs. Then I finally thought about removing the fake eggs
and she stopped a few days later.

My Welsummer (who went broody) sat for 2 weeks before I entrusted some precious breeder silkie eggs to her, and she hatched them out beautifully.
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Mine don't usually give up until 5 or 6 weeks, and I've had them stay broody longer.

Besides their habit of stealing eggs, another hen will sometimes squeeze in with a broody and lay in the same nest. I usually know who is laying which egg, and I've never had a broody lay an egg that I know of.
I have one that breaks out of being broody long enough to molt and then goes back to being broody. It's pretty much been a life long condition for her, and she is 4 years old at this point.


this year I wanted her to hatch some eggs for me. And wouldn't you know it- she isn't broody for the first time in her life. It figures.

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