How long does mom stays with..


10 Years
Jun 19, 2009
North of Dallas, TX
her chicks. Or how long should I let her stay with them. They are ten days old now and already running around without mom. But she does call them back for the head count. Very funny. I have a small coop for the momma and babies that is baby proof and the yard as well. I am trying to make a separate feeder for the mom but I do have 2 ten week old chicks as well.
My first broody, a Black Australorp, cared for her chicks for about 4 weeks then she was off on her own. My second, a Buff Orpington, stayed with her chicks for 8 weeks before I separated them. My third broody, I separated the chicks after their 3 day with momma so that I could bring them inside and get them acclimated to people. Momma was frantic for about two days and then was back to her old self, chicks completely forgotten. My fourth broody, quite setting after 8 days on the nest. I think it just depends on the individual bird. Some may not even care for them from day one. If you don't mind the upset (it doesn't last long), you can separate the chicks from momma and hand raise the chicks yourself so that they are more people friendly. Good luck
Thanks for the info. I think I will give her another week then put her back with the flock. I have another momma that is hatching 3 more today and two mommas that will hatch 2 each in ten days. So many not laying hurts the table. Will she start to lay again soon?
I've had two broodies hatch chicks separately, both starting laying again about 3 or 4 weeks after the chicks hatched. They are still with the chicks now (4 weeks and 8 weeks) and laying reasonably well, not as well as normal but I guess that's because they are not on their normal layers pellets. I'm thinking it's time to take the one with the 8 week old chicks away soon though.

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