how long is the Cutler Supply Shipping time frame

Pullet Pimp

11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
I just ordered the 1588 bator with the 1610 turner and can't wait until it gets here.
So I was wondering how long it took you to get your bator from Cutler? I have a feeling that my mailperson and I are going to be fast friends for the next week or so whether they want to or not.

"is it here yet?" "how 'bout now?" "what ya got for me today?"

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I just ordered my 1588 from them on wednesday night, but I also paid for the express shipping so that it will get here in 1-2 days, then I called them early thursday morning and asked them to send it that day, and they did, so I sould recieve it today or tomorrow, I'm so excited! no more having to adjust the temp in my Little Giant every couple of hours!
Oooooo That sounds promising. Did you pay extra for express shipping? I didn't cause I'm a tightwad and wanted to save the extra cash for some eggs. On the hunt for some banty Polish.

Kelseygirl I feel your excitement. What you going to put in yours first?
Oooooo That sounds promising. Did you pay extra for express shipping? I didn't cause I'm a tightwad and wanted to save the extra cash for some eggs. On the hunt for some banty Polish.

Kelseygirl I feel your excitement. What you going to put in yours first?

Nope, I did not pay extra for shipping. I always have stuff come that quickly from them to me.
I'm going to transfer the eggs in my LG to the 1588, and use the LG as my hatcher. So I'll have some Rhode Island Reds, Cuckoo Marans, Some Mystery eggs (The breeder told me what they are, but I can't remember, LOL) Plus I just recieved 11 Silkie eggs today that I won In the 24 hour crazy auction thread, and I'm really excited about those! In all about 36 eggs. What are you going to be hatchin?
Porcelain d'Uccles, Mille Fleur d'Uccles, Bantam Favs, Bantam EE's, Silkies, Seramas, Frizzles, Blue & Black Orps, Bantam Buff Brahmas, Grey & Black Japs, Bantam BR, Part. Wyandottes. Whew, I'm tired now from typing all that.
Cookies that is a good idea 2009NewChickMom

TaLani, if you got yours that quick I should too. They have to fly right over my house to get to yours
. I'm only about 190 miles from them and I was tempted to show up at their door for one but I guess I can wait a few days.

As for what I am going to put in it first I am on a mad hunt for NICE White Crested Chocolate and Khaki bantam polish and maybe some other unusual polish for a project. I am still kicking the idea around about some silkies but we all know what happens with them evil devils.
Still waiting for it to arrive

kelseygirl707 I should have done what you did and got the priority shipping.

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