How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have them I bought 6 of them think 3 are cockerel but how good of layers do you thing they are Please
My Speckled Sussex stopped laying when she started molting a month ago and now today she’s back to laying... She layed eggs everyday till the molting. My other 3 hens lays every day RIR, White Leghorn and Plymouth Barred Rock my RIR lays jumbo light tan eggs
Well, I get one egg per day and have 3 hens- I have two pullets at point of lay by the end of the month. One hen is over 3 yrs, so I cut her some slack- she is a Mottled English Orpington. I have a little black copper marans that is a crossbeak with a blind eye-Margaret. That little hen is a champ. She lays an egg nearly every day. Opal on the other hand, a one year old Splash Maran, who lays eggs very rarely and sporadically- she will be going to another home in the spring. I got no eggs from October through the beginning of January. I thought it was lice or mites- they got treated. I thought it was parasites, they got treated. The Orpington is the only one that molted but should be well over that. I put a supplement in their feed (They have been getting All Flock because of the littles.) They have Oyster shell free choice. I think all the bases have been covered, so maybe it is just sunlight hours. Ah, well. Maybe things will pick up soon. I am pea green with envy for all the chickenista's getting lots of eggs.
Never had sussex before was curious my EE lay double jumbo they do not fit in egg carton often bought a EE cockerel make more EE
My Speckled Sussex here is unique and very chatty also she bullies the RIR Missy which is way bigger than the Sussex I named her Speckles all 4 of my ladies will be 1 year old In March! Plymouth Barred Rock Rosie is a sweetheart and my White Leghorn Snowball she’s a bit skitish and will not let you pick her up.... white leghorn I hear is like this

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