How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Shes only 22 weeks so still a new layer. But shes always been a bit off. Her sisters have to walk behind her to get her into the coop. I moved their food once and she couldnt find it.she also gets spooked really easily.
New layers do occasionally drop eggs from the roost, or in random unexpected places. But maybe keep an eye on her... just in case she does have vision problems 🤔
New layers do occasionally drop eggs from the roost, or in random unexpected places. But maybe keep an eye on her... just in case she does have vision problems 🤔
I've watched here since day 1. Shes always been a bit different. I make sure to keep the food and water in the same spot and her sisters actually help a bunch with her. She always has a buddy next to her and they make sure she doesnt get lost. Its adorable.

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