How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yes, he hatches them in his science class. I'm not sure if he talks about genetics or reproduction or what his tie in to science is. I know the 6th grade science teachers also hatch eggs ( but later in the year, end of April) and the teach about eggs and hatching and things like that.
I usually get all the roosters from the class projects.
I usually get all the roosters from the class projects.
I usually get all of the meat chickens that the 6th grade science teachers hatch! Not sure if that will happen this year or not because 1 of those science teacher's retired last year when I did. But the other one knows that I always want the chicks. So I guess it depends on whether the new science teacher wants them or not. I would guess she would ( and should) get first choice.
The other science teacher ( that I am giving eggs to) usually takes his chicks out to his Mom's.

Also, I got 9 eggs today.
I have 10 from the main coop, 1 from silkie.... The peeps are doing well
day 15 they will be roomy to the silkie .. I also started 20 eggs in the bator today estimated hatch will be 7 or 8th of March

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