How many to sell?


hillbilly extraordinaire
Mar 31, 2022
Missouri Ozarks
I have to thin the flock. I need to get rid of a rooster (I'm in limits and he's started crowing).
I will also have to get rid of one or two hens.
Should I try to sell them together as a breeding group or get rid of cockerel and sell the girls when they start laying?
What's been your experience?
(14 week old copper Marans from hatchery)
I'd place a single craigslist ad that covers all 3 birds, and make it clear you're flexible as to whether they even want the cockerel, and probably sell the 2 pullets and the cockerel is "free" with the pullets if they'll take him. Where I am, most people want the more productive layers, they gravitate to the more common breeds, even though the black copper marans seem pretty common to us chicken people. Best of luck!
I always only sell in pairs unless I don’t have extra roster. I find it very hard to find homes for the boys. I explain it’s not fair to the rest of my hens to decrease the number of girls leaving too many boys. Most people get this. Unless your willing to cull him if you can’t find him a home then I would only offer as a pair.
I am wedged between 4 houses, I definitely would not want a rooster
I mean, I want one, but I will try not to get one.

I have seen roosters offered on Craigslist - usually for a long time, and trios of hens and roosters.
There is usually a good discount when you buy all vs splitting the set up.
you can always underline how that is a marvelous starter pack! ;)

Just be aware that the buyer might not want to keep the Roo as breeder.
or pet
It seems to me that the problem is the rooster!
So, why not eat the rooster, and sell the hens?
This way sounds callous, but you can have a free meal, some cash in your pocket, and get on with your life afterwards!
He's so small. I don't want to irritate the neighbors otherwise I'd keep this guy. I'm 200 ft from the town line. It's annoying.

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