How messy are Turkey poults?


5 Years
Jul 1, 2015
Ivins, Utah 84738
My Coop
My Coop
I have never owned turkeys before, and I want to raise one for Thanksgiving this year... I have raised many a broiler chicken, and I know they are absolutely filthy to keep...but well worth the effort put into raising them... I was just wondering how messy the Broad Breasted Turkeys are in the 5-6 month period it takes to grow them out.

Any and all help/advice is highly appreciated!
I found turkeys to be messier than chickens, but not a deal breaker for me. I agree with the previous post. They're just bigger and make more poop, etc. It's subjective, based on your tolerance for messiness and how you house them. They try to roost on everything, so keeping their feed and water clean was my biggest hassle.

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