How much do u sell your dressed adult conturnix for?


14 Years
Jun 27, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
I'm finally to the point where I have enough quail and hatching enough that I feel like I can start selling some dressed. I have had alot of request and inquiries lately and egg sales seem to be slowing down a litttle bit and there fore more to hatch. I sell Live adults for $4 each and I was wondering what some of you think is fair to as per bird for dressed quail. I guess this could have gone on the meat birds etc thread but thought i might get a little faster response here. Thanks!
Check Your Ag Rules Here In Florida... Unless Usda Inspected And Processed Through Licenced Facility It's Illegal

What I Do Is Advertise "meat Quail" On Craigslist And Sell Them Alive And Kickin For The Buyer To With As They Wish
OK well im giving them to friends as "gifts" and they can donate to the operation:)
To friends family and neighbors of course, not the general public.
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There Ya Go... Or Like I Said You Can Sell Them Whole And Still Cheepin' ... Every Meat Quail I Have Sold In The Past 5 Yrs Or So Has Been Carried Thru The Gate With It's Head Sticking Outta The Transport Box And A "oh Boy! Where We Goin'?" Look On It's Face
David (a Prophet) Had A Good Idea, I Dont Know If He Ever Did It Or Not But He Said Something About Selling Them Alive And Giving Free "bird Processing Lessons" To A Live Audience? ~~~ Whatever Gets 'er Done
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Would it be illegal still if the processed packaging had "Not for Human Consumption" wrote on it? So the folks are buying them for their dogs raw meat diet, right?
there used to be fur bearers we could not sell for meat until we had the law changed we sold them as dog food for hunting dogs depends on how many someone is buying but 2-4$ each is easily achievable here it is easier to get this from upwardly mobile folks/ upscale takeout restaurants, Most of my friends rednecks and hillbillies will not pay this much for meat ,they all hunt and think it is free LOL
Yeah the problem is these people dont want to process them theirselves, they'd rather pay extra for the convience. I say I'm selling you live birds, and then processing them as a favor after the fact.

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