How much head room?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 11, 2011
I was wondering how much head room should be left for a standard size bird in a coop-- I am thinking Plymouth Rocks or Orpington sized birds..

In other words... how far from the ceiling should the Roost be in a 4 to 5 foot tall coop where they could be comfortable getting up to the perch in an enclosed space 4' x 8' x 5' coop?


Fiddelman, I think you would be safe with 18" - 24" of distance for headroom. Remember, some my want to fly up, even if you provide a ramp of ladder set up for access. so take that into account and wings flapping, etc in an attempt to land. My top roost in 6' off the floor and many of ours fly up and fly down. Others take the ramps or ladder up. Good luck.
I agree with fireguy's suggestion. However, I'll add this: If you're in an area that gets cold winters, place your roosts low enough to allow for your ventilation to be above their heads without fear of icy wind blowing in on them while roosting. If you're lucky enough to be in an area that doesn't get cold winters, then it won't be a factor.

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