How old are your girls?

Blue Rooster

5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
When we first started to raise chickens we got 7 to start. Now 6 years later (soon going on 7) we still have 4 of our hens. So how old are your chickens?

The picture is of one of our old hens, she is 6 years old.
Her name is Dark, but she is so heavy and big that i call her BIG MAMA.
You can tell by her face that she is old. She is a very sweet old lady. Though she doesn't act old, when the roosters chase her they cant catch her. Its so funny to see her run because shes so big and shes faster than the roosters.

Our chickens aren't very old yet (10 months and almost 5 months) but I was wondering, are you still getting eggs from your older girls?
No, they stopped laying. I think they stopped laying when they were about 4 or 5 years old. We just keep them a pets now.

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